We are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cream of the Crop Pie Contest!

Thursday, September 9th was none other than a “sweet” time for all at Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn. The residents brought their baking skills and their appetites as they took part in the “Cream of the Crop” Pie Contest. The sugar-coated activity occurred during the regular weekly Cooking Corner held each Thursday afternoon. To kick off the contest, Connections Director, Brittany Onufrak divided some of the residents into 4 groups and assigned each group a staff assistant. Each appointed team leader then chose a numbered index card which revealed a surprise cream pie recipe on the opposing side. Each resident group received one of the 4 cream pie recipes to create; banana cream, cocoa cream, cookies & cream and coconut cream. Careful measurements of ingredients and recipe notes were previously distributed to each group at their designated baking stations. With the ticking of each minute on the clock, each resident took turns within their groups, quickly and carefully adding each ingredient to their stainless steel mixing bowls. Four residents volunteered to be the judges for the cream pie event and were onsite making observations throughout the duration of the bake off.

After the ingredients were well mixed each staff assistant escorted the mixtures to the kitchen where they were put in saucepans on low-medium heat until complete. While the pie filling heated, the residents discussed which pies they thought would win the contest. Some residents were partial to their favorite kind of pies, such as Norma McGill who expressed her “sweet” feelings for the cookies & cream pie which her group ironically made. However, Elsie Geralsky, whose group made coconut cream pie, preferred banana cream pie. Elsie and Norma were in luck because both of their daughters joined in on the mixing madness!

As the saucepans simultaneously came to a boil, the fillings were ready to be set in their pie crusts. A resident volunteer from each group carefully spooned their respective fillings into the ready-made pie crusts. Each pie was taken to the cooler to chill, while the residents participated in their afternoon exercise routine, Stretch & Firm. After burning some healthy calories and building up an appetite, the pies were ready complete! Voila! The 4 judges were allotted pieces of each kind of pie to taste while washing eat bite down with a glass of water in between. Each pie was then cut and served to the residents alongside a refreshing cup of sugar-free lemonade.

The competition was as stiff as meringue peaks, but the winning pie — based on crust, filling, appearance and overall flavor — was the COCOA CREAM- by Carol G, Patty O, Hazel M, Helene M, Lawanda H. The winning group was awarded $200 a piece in “funny money” in which they may cash in at the monthly resident auction. Congratulations to them ALL for their hard work, patience and baking skills. And a special thanks to their staff assistant, Jennifer B!! In the end everyone was a winner as they indulged in the delectable cream pie delights!

This event definitely took the cake…or should we say pie?!?!