We are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Monday, June 25, 2012


For the past year this group at Juniper Village has been meeting weekly to get a good old fashion game of poker going.  Anyone is welcome to the group, you just have to come with a ,"good sports like attitude," says Jack, one of Juniper Village's residents.  "We play for fun and laughs," said Bill, another Juniper resident. Meet us weekly in the activities room, just be prepared to have a good time!

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