We are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Cherish the Journey

Juniper Village nurtures wellbeing by encouraging an active body, an engaged mind and a fulfilled spirit. This month this custom is more evident than ever as we share our celebratory spirit - mind, body and soul. December is a month filled with holidays and celebrations, but at Juniper we like to kick it up a notch! All around the community all of your senses will be stimulated as you see traditional holiday décor, hear joyous laughter and singing, smell heavenly treats baking and taste them as well. We will celebrate all the joyous little things that make this time of year so special. Traditions both old and new will be honored. And through sharing our numerous cultures and traditions with each other we will learn more about each other, opening the door to deeper understanding.

This month take a moment to reflect on the little things that bring joy to your life. Reminisce about the traditions from your past and the new traditions you have started with your family. Celebrate the holiday season with us as we share a bit of ourselves with our annual cookie exchange and ethnic holiday celebrations. December is always an eventful month and we look forward to sharing it with you.

Our fabulous December 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Community Holiday Breakfast to join us in celebrating the holiday with love and laughter as well as a delicious buffet breakfast for the family with a special visit from Mrs. Claus who will read the children stories, and we will also have a coloring contest, while the elves help you write your letters to Santa and we will even make reindeer food, so come celebrate the season with good friends and good cheer on December 10th at 10:00 am.

We look forward to sharing our December 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Cherish the Journey.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Cherish the Journey

Each November we turn our attention to Family with our Alive In All Seasons Theme: Cherish the Journey. We have always enjoyed helping our residents chronical their individual life journeys through journaling. In addition to keeping track of the daily happenings in our lives, journaling has surprising health benefits as well. University of Texas at Austin psychologist and researcher James Pennebaker contends that regular journaling strengthens immune cells, called T-lymphocytes. He also believes that writing about stressful events helps you come to terms with them, thus reducing the impact of stress on your health. Other research indicates that journaling decreases the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific evidence also shows that writing your thoughts down can help clarify your thoughts and feelings, help you to know yourself better, reduce stress, and problem solve more effectively. An additional benefit of journaling is that you are leaving a legacy for future generations. Review your journal together! Reminiscing about the events in one’s life is a way to affirm who they are, what they’ve accomplished in life and relive happy times. So, pick up a pen and Cherish the Journey, the benefits are endless!

Join our journey through November as we honor and celebrate family and the journey of life with our autobiographical journaling. Help us support our greater community with our annual Food Drive and our on-site support groups. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Our fabulous November 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Veterans Day Luncheon to honor all those who have served our country at a complimentary event for all veterans and their spouses on November 11th at 12:30 pm.

We look forward to sharing our November 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Cherish the Journey.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

October 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Show Your Colors

As we say good bye to Indian summer, we welcome the cooler air and slower pace of the autumn season. From warm apple cider, everything pumpkin and end of season hiking trips, there are so many reasons to enjoy autumn. William Cullen Bryant says it best, “Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” With the seasonal changes now in full swing we see fall flowers appearing where summer blooms once stood and leaves changing into vibrant shades of yellow, orange and red. The evening air has a slight chill and carries the scent of campfires, leaves and cinnamon spice. Our activities turn from swimming and baseball to raking leaves and football. Not only is Mother Nature showing her colors, but we begin to show our team colors with a focus on sports! Join us throughout the month as we bond over sporting events while cheering on our favorite teams, complete with tailgate parties and snacks.

Throughout October we will show our colors as we sponsor and support local sports teams. We will honor our associates who show their colors by “nurturing the spirit of life” with The Juniper Spirit awards. Alas, October would not be complete without celebrating the season with our annual Halloween Costume Party, which is open to ghosts and goblins of all ages. Join us this month and Show Your Colors!

Our fabulous October 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Business over Breakfast to join other professionals in our community for business over breakfast as this is your chance to have a one on one opportunity to speak about your company and what you provide with a complimentary breakfast provided by Juniper Village as Chef Nathan Reed will have a made to order omelet station as well as fresh fruit, juices and coffee on October 5th from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. (Please RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

We look forward to sharing our October 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Show Your Colors.

Friday, September 23, 2016


On September 20th, a beautiful warm fall day, Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn was busy passing out homemade deli style lunches to go to the community.  Chef Nathan Reed prepared deli gourmet style  turkey, bacon with pesto mayo sandwiches along with sea salt chips and fresh locally grown peaches.  Both Chef Reed and Community Relations Director, Christa Cicuto, passed the lunches out to the very grateful community goers.  Approximately 50 people drove up and through for a bagged lunch to go.  It was a small way to thank our friends in the Shenango Valley community who always support us here in Sharon, PA.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn Welcomes New Executive Director Carole Moberly

Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn is pleased to welcome Carole Moberly, an industry professional, as its new executive director. She was named executive director in June of this year.

Prior to taking the position, Carole worked as an administrator of licensed nursing homes for 22 years. Most recently she was a Regional Administrative Consultant traveling throughout Pennsylvania for a management company working on corporate compliance; opening, closing and moving nursing homes; and everything else in between.

“I am so excited to return to work in my home community of Sharon PA. I find it so rewarding to give back my knowledge and expertise to my own community, my own neighbors and friends,” expressed Carole Moberly. “Working so far with Juniper Village has been a wonderful experience. The Mission and Guiding Principles are an inspiration.  The Corporate Culture is truly one focused on our residents. The mission of Nurturing the Spirt of Life is in everything we do at Juniper. Our approach is to engage all aspects of our resident’s lives, including body, mind and spirit. Focus is and always will be on the needs and quality of life for our residents.”

Her goal is to continue the mission of Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn. “We are working on wonderful programs to provide personalized care and services that enhance the quality of life for our residents.”

Carole Moberly attended Penn State Shenango and received her Associate Degree in Letters, Arts and Science. When time permits she enjoys making jewelry and spending as much time as possible with her husband and family. She is the proud mother of three daughters and six fabulous grandchildren.

Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Spread Your Joy

As the air begins to cool and summer wanes, Juniper Village ends our “Stay Connected” series by recognizing Friendship and Joy. What is it that brings you joy? Is it the wet nose of a newborn pup? The smile of your first grandchild? The taste of a triple chocolate ice cream cone? Whatever it is we invite you to share that joy with others at Juniper Village this month.

Much attention has been paid to studies regarding the effects of stress on your health, but what about the effects of joy? The landmark “Nun Study,” as it's often known, revealed that positive emotion is correlated with longevity: 90% of the most cheerful quarter of nuns was alive at the age of eighty-five, whereas only 34% of the least cheerful quarter lived to that age. Similarly, 54% of the most cheerful fourth was alive at age ninety-four, versus 11% of the least cheerful. Of the 678 sisters in the original study about four dozen are still living. So go ahead, grab that triple chocolate cone it might just extend your life!

Join us this month as we celebrate friendship and staying connected with calendar events such as our annual daffodil planting and our home warming, birthday party and Best Friend initiatives.

Our fabulous September 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Dine and Dash to come take a quick tour of Juniper Village and see what makes us so special in our community and on your way out, pick up a bagged delicious lunch to go; the tour of Juniper Village will not take longer than ten minutes and you'll have a tasty meal to go, compliments of our own Chef Nathan Reed on September 15th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. (Let us know you'll be dashing in by calling 724-347-4000 to reserve your lunch to go!)

We look forward to sharing our September 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Spread Your Joy.

Monday, August 1, 2016

August 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Breathe in Life

Each August we turn our focus to the environment by offering social events and educational opportunities on living a more environmentally sustainable life. By making caring choices and creating helpful habits we can all make a difference to our planet.

Did you know that an aluminum can may remain in its current condition in a landfill for up to 500 years? That same can, when recycled, can end up back on your grocer’s shelf in as little as two months. Recycling that aluminum can also saves energy. Enough energy, in fact, to power your television for three hours! Aluminum can be recycled over, and over and over again – without limit. Americans will use about 2.5 million plastic bottles every thirty minutes. If that bottle is not recycled it can spend the next 450 years or more in a landfill. A modern glass bottle will take about 4,000 years to biodegrade. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again, and again and again. So, the next time you are enjoying a delicious beverage, be conscious of the packaging and make the choice to recycle.

Join us this month as we promote the environment with a focus on our recycling programs – from annual rummage sales to shredding and more; our educational offerings will help you to support our environment and Breathe in Life!

Our fabulous August 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Continuum of Care Community Luncheon join us at Juniper Village at this complimentary event along with community professionals and learn about topics on Continuum of Care such as Estate Planning and Veteran Benefits, Medication Administration process, End of life concerns, preparations and decisions, plus much more, while door prizes will be offered, and lunch will be provided by Chef Nathan Reed on August 18th at 11:30 am. (RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

We look forward to sharing our August 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Breathe in Life.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Best Friends of Shenango

At Juniper Village we have many unique programs that sets us apart from other Senior Living Communities. One of our favorites is the Best Friends Program which pairs a resident and an associate together, which then affords them the chance to build a relationship over time.   It is a special relationship and bond that is formed between the two, that gives them the opportunity to spend time together.  “ A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have” ~ Author Unknown

Saturday, July 2, 2016

July 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Stand in Integrity

Ah...the good old summer time filled with lazy, sunny days, ice cold treats, Independence Day celebrations, and get-togethers at the beach. Another sure indication of summer is our Alive in All Seasons theme of Volunteerism.

July is the perfect month to honor all of the many volunteers who contribute thousands of hours of time in service to our communities. From our four-legged volunteers to those of the two legged variety we are proud to say we receive more than 10,000 hours of precious time each year. We simply could not do it without all of your help, and this month we honor you. We will also be promoting the spirit of volunteerism by volunteering our time to help others. If you have some spare time on your hands consider joining us for a volunteer activity or better yet volunteer your time with us, we’d love to have you. What qualities make a good volunteer? Energy, passion, flexibility, creativity, reliability, commitment and perhaps most important of all – integrity.

Volunteerism benefits all parties involved. In addition to making new friends, volunteering also helps increase your self-confidence, provides a sense of purpose, combats depression and helps you stay physically healthy. Helping others also kindles happiness, as the London School of Economics found the more people volunteered, the happier they were.

In addition to volunteering opportunities, plan to join us during July for our summer celebrations and share our thanks as we honor those who Stand In Integrity with us.

Our fabulous July 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Friends and Family Picnic themed with a western flare, come kick up your boots and enjoy a day filled with good food, family and friends on the front lawn of Juniper Village as Chef Nathan will be serving up some tasty BBQ along with all the fixings accompanied by music and games, so come enjoy a summer afternoon with us on July 9th from noon to whenever we shut things down.
§  American Red Cross Blood Drive because the American Red Cross is in desperate need of blood donations this summer every person that donates will receive a free $10 gift card and goodie bag, so come help save a life on July 12th from 12:30 pm  to 6:00 pm. (RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

§  Volunteer Breakfast if you volunteer in the Shenango Valley community, we would love for you to come to Juniper Village for a complimentary breakfast on us as Chef Nathan Reed will be serving up a delicious homemade breakfast just for you as our way of saying thank you for all that you do in our community on July 21st from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. (RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

We look forward to sharing our July 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Stand in Integrity.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

God Bless Juniper Village…my home sweet home

Southern Care Hospice was at Juniper Shenango to honor the Veterans that served our great country and bring a little American cheer to the community.  Singing songs like Yankee Doodle Dandy,  You’re a Grand old Flag and God Bless America helped put smiles on all the residents faces, as they reminisced Memorial Days of the past.  A Flag Pin was given to each of the Veteran who served our country and red, white and blue cookies were served to all. A special thanks to Southern Care Hospice, one of Juniper Villages partners in caring, who brought some good old fashion American cheer to our residents!  God Bless America!

Also pictured, staff and residents got into the fun of Red Nose Day at Juniper Shenango this past May 26th. Red Nose Day through the power of entertainment, raises awareness and money to help kids who need it the most at home and around the world. Red Nose Day is on a mission to lift kids out of poverty and has raised over $1 billion globally in the last 25 years.  In 2015, Red Nose Day raised 23 million dollars!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Live in Wellness

What is wellness? The National Wellness Institute defines wellness as "a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential." At Juniper we believe in fostering this definition of wellness everyday by offering programs and services that help our residents achieve their full potential. As we wind down our Healthy Aging series, this month we focus on Food by highlighting our H’Art and Soul of Dining Signature Program.

Throughout our lives the most important discussions, revelations, decisions and announcements have transpired around the dinner table. When company came over we caught up on the latest gossip over coffee and fresh baked goods. If you needed advice from your parents, it was often given while enjoying Mom’s delicious pot roast on a Sunday evening. Why should that be any different when you enter your retirement years in one of our communities?

With the kitchen often being the heart of the home, we have developed H’Art and Soul of Dining with this in mind. This program strives to impart spirited service, companionship and nourishment through sharing the joy of good food – just like home! Our dining program is designed to not only meet resident’s physical needs, but their emotional and social needs as well. We believe this program provides a perfect balance of nutritious and delicious food choices, comfortable atmosphere and ambiance, social interaction, cleanliness and a spirit of service.

Indulge with us this month as we focus on the “heart” of the home with program offerings centered on food and nutrition such as our hydration program with healthy snacks and juices and educational presentations by a dietitian. Join us in June as we Live in Wellness.

Our fabulous June 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Breakfast in a Bag to drive through Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn for a delicious way to start your day, and Chef Nathan Reed will be cooking hot breakfast sandwiches for one of the breakfast in a bag food items, and as always this is a complimentary event and our way of saying thank you to our Shenango Valley Community on June 17th from 7:30 am to 9:00 am. (Please RSVP your Breakfast in a Bag order to 724-347-4000.)

§  Ice Cream and Tour Day to come in from the heat and have a sweet treat after you tour our historic community because at the end of every tour, participants can have a seat in our bistro and have a scoop or two with all the sundae fixings on June 22nd from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. (No RSVPs required.)

We look forward to sharing our June 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Live in Wellness.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Grab Your Sombrero!

On May 5th Southern Care Hospice and Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn hosted a fiesta for the Cinco De Mayo holiday!  Business partners and community professionals helped celebrate, at the after-hours mixer located in the ballroom of the historic ballroom of Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn. Walking tacos, jalapeño stuffed peppers, churros, flavored margaritas and Mexican beer were a part of the nights menu leaving guests feeling, hot…hot…hot! A big thank you to Chef Nathan Reed of Juniper Village and the Staff of Southern Care Hospice for helping to create the perfect fiesta.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Nathan Reed from Juniper Village at Shenango Wins The 2016 Juniper Communities “ Best Chef” Competition!

On Sunday, April 24 the Dietary Managers from the three Western Pennsylvania Juniper Communities gathered for their annual “Best Chefs” Competition.  This year, the competition was held in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Forest Hills 9th Annual Chili Cook Off.  The three Juniper Communities Dietary Managers competing for the “Best Chili” and the Juniper Communities title of “Best Chef for 2016” were Ken Miller, Dietary Manager for Juniper Village at Forest Hills, Nathan Reed, Dietary Manager for  Juniper Village at Shenango, and Erin Bringredler, Dietary Manager from our Juniper Village at Meadville community. 

The Rotary Club of Forest Hills’s Chili Cook Off had 15 Contestants and over 250 visitors from the local area tasting and voting for their favorite Chili entry.  Also selecting a winner, was the Celebrity Judge for the event Chris Fennimore, TV Celebrity from WQED TV and host of QED Cooks.

After much tasting, Nathan Reed from Juniper Village at Shenango was crowned the “Best Business Entry” Award and received $200.00 from the Rotary judges. Surprisingly, his entry was also selected as the Best Juniper Communities entry.  Congratulations Nathan!!  You are Juniper Communities “ 2016 Best Chef’s” Award winner!   Your “Cowboy Chili” entry really won the hearts, and the taste buds, of these city slickers!! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Grow Strong Daily

We all know that regular physical activity is great for overall health. But do we all understand the dangers in being inactive? Studies indicate that sedentary lifestyles are risky. For the most part, when older people lose their ability to do things on their own, it doesn't happen just because they've aged. It's usually because they're not active. Lack of physical activity also can lead to more visits to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more use of medicines for a variety of illnesses. In recognition of those facts, Juniper nurtures wellbeing by encouraging an active body, an engaged mind and a fulfilled spirit through our innovative Signature Programs such as Connect4Life, Connections and H’Art and Soul of Dining.

We continue our Healthy Aging Series with a focus on Fitness. In the wise words of J.R.R., Tolkien, "All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost." This month we will Grow Strong Daily so as to not wither, but to thrive as we develop strength in bodies, minds and spirits.

This month we invite you to join us as we Grow Strong Daily with activities such as our Daily Brain Builders, Wii, and our Brain Healthy Luncheon. We also invite you to expand your knowledge in our Healthy Aging Library.

Our fabulous May 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Cinco de Mayo Mixer complimentary event for all business people in our community for an opportunity to network in a relaxing atmosphere as Margaritas and appetizers will be served, so get your sombrero and come join us before heading home from work for a fiesta celebration co-sponsored by Southern Hospice Care on May 5th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. (RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

§  Mother’s Day Tea complimentary event to help us celebrate a day for Mom here in our community room with Victorian style tea and Hors d’oeuvres served on May 8th at 2:00 pm. (RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

We look forward to sharing our May 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Grow Strong Daily.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Supporting Twilight Wish Foundation of Mercer County

53 people came out to support The Twilight Wish Foundation of Mercer County at their second annual paint and sip event held in the ballroom of Juniper Village. Wine, cheese and crackers were served, as community members relaxed and painted on canvas.  The event was co-sponsored by Juniper Village, Southern Care Hospice, Heartland Hospice, The Nugent Group and Bernie Harry the Treasurer of Hermitage. Many thanks to all that helped to make some very important wishes come true this year for some deserving seniors in our community.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Bunny Breakfast

Sixty people attended this year’s Easter Bunny Breakfast, held at Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn.   A made to order pancake station was set up by Executive Chef, Nathan Reed, along with sausage, bacon and beverages, which were all complimentary.   Kids enjoyed goodie bags filled with candy delivered by the Easter Bunny himself!  Many children participated in the coloring activity, those coloring pages were then displayed in the front lobby for the residents to enjoy all Easter weekend long.  

Friday, April 8, 2016

2015 Successful Outcomes

Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Believe in Yourself

Do you know that embracing a healthy lifestyle promotes brain health as well? This month we embark on our quarterly Alive in All Season theme of Healthy Aging: Let Wellbeing Thrive. Throughout April we will focus on brain health and encouraging you to Believe in Yourself. We will learn more about how physical health and exercise, diet and nutrition, cognitive activity, and social engagement can help keep both your body and brain healthy and potentially reduce your risk of cognitive decline. At the 2014 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, results of a two-year clinical trial of older adults at risk for cognitive impairment showed that a combination of physical activity, nutritional guidance, cognitive training, social activities and management of heart health risk factors slowed cognitive decline. It’s never too late to make changes to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Join us this month as we expand our knowledge of brain health and take steps to boost our brain health through our Healthy Brain series featuring our Daily Brain Builders and Wii Games designed to promote cognitive activity. Continue your research by perusing our Healthy Aging Resource Library, filled with volumes of information to help you and your loved ones age well. And, don’t forget to join us for our Brain Healthy Luncheon where we will nourish mind, body and soul. We look forward to sharing this month of healthful thinking and encouragement to Believe in Yourself – you can do this!

Our fabulous April 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Paint and Sip Fundraiser for The Twilight Wish Foundation sponsored by Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn, Southern Care Hospice and Heartland Hospice with the $40 ticket including painting, wine, and light appetizers, and there will also be a Chinese auction on April 7th at 6:00 pm. (RSVP to Melissa Knight at 724-704-1839.)

§  Leaders who Lunch a networking opportunity for business minded people in our community to get together and network over  a complimentary lunch by our own Chef Nathan Reed, so bring your business cards to share and for a door prize giveaway on April 13th at noon. (RSVP to 724-347-4000 or email christa.cicuto@junipercommunities.com.)

We look forward to sharing our April 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as you Believe in Yourself.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Early Easter Surprise

Southern Care Hospice surprised the residents and staff at Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn with an early Easter surprise!  Easter bonnets and smiles through the halls to greet everyone along the way with a special visit from the Easter Bunny who hopped on over and delivered a special basket full of treats for all.  We love our partners in caring and thank Southern Care Hospice for bringing some Easter smiles to all of our residents and staff. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Shamrock Celebration

Residents and families gathered to celebrate the Irish holiday with a themed luncheon.  A sit down meal was prepared by Chef Nathan Reed, while guests enjoyed the sounds of a bag pipe!   The Shamrock T-shirt raffle held during the luncheon.  All ticket sales, went directly to the local Alzheimer’s Walk of Mercer County, that will be held this September.   Residents worked on the t-shirts during the week, and were excited to help the Alzheimer’s Association raise funds towards our local research.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Your Treasure is Within

As we bring down the curtain on our Creative Expressions series we focus this month on Drama. Juliette Binoche said, “I think acting is about forgetting yourself in order to give the best of yourself. It's passing through you more than you're creating it. You're not the flower, but the vase which holds the flower.”

Through dramatic performance we are able to forget about ourselves while becoming someone else, if only for a moment. We can be transported to another time, another place and another way of thinking. With all of our inhibitions set aside we focus this month on breaking out of our shells to share a bit of ourselves with wild abandon through our weekly drama clubs which will culminate in a fantastic performance or reading of dramatic prose. We invite you to join us in this enlightening journey of self-discovery through the magic of theater this month. We will also be attending theatrical performances around town, where we can let our inner critic loose. One last opportunity to become someone else is offered during our Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations, where everyone can be Irish for the day. Join us as we feast on traditional Irish foods such as corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, shepherd’s pie and more! Lastly, March would not be complete without honoring the dramatic achievements of others with our own Oscar Party. This month we invite you to let your inner star shine at Juniper Village.

Our fabulous March 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Easter Bunny Breakfast as hippity hoppity Easter is on its way, so join your friends at Juniper Village for a free breakfast with the Easter Bunny featuring pancakes and prizes on March 12th at 10:00 am. (RSVP to 724-347-4000.)

§  Business over Breakfast because networking helps fulfill our minds with continuous learning and provides access to a widespread of sharing ideas, an exchange of views, and contact with best practices, so jump start your day with an amazing brain-healthy breakfast prepared by Juniper’s Chef Nathan Reed, while gaining an opportunity to network with one another here in our Shenango Valley on March 23rd at 8:30 am. (RSVP to 724-347-4000. Business professionals only please.)

We look forward to sharing our March 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as Your Treasure is Within.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Juniper Lifesavers

Juniper Communities prides itself on delivering continuous educational opportunities to its staff.   With recent changes to CPR training, Juniper Village held a class to its staff in order for all staff to be updated, informed and trained  on proper procedures.  John Libonati Mercer County Coroner came out to deliver the in person classroom training.  Juniper Village is proud of all of their employees who became, “life savers,” to our residents and its Shenango Valley community.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

For the active body….stretch your noodle!

Silver Sneakers has been one of our Partners in Caring for two years strong! Residents flock to the activity room Monday through Friday to take classes from Joyce, the fitness instructor. Joyce is full of encouragement and energy, two traits that keep our residents coming back each day for more. Chair exercises with the noodle can help increase circulation and flexibility. They can also strengthen postural and mobilization muscles.  Rain or shine, summer or winter, inside or out, there is so much that you can use the noodle for, but here at Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn, we like to use them for exercise.  Those that are interested in stretching your noodle, please contact Christa Cicuto at 724-347-4000 to schedule.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Announcing Juniper Royalty….

King Don and Queen Esther residents of Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn were crowned King and Queen at the Valentine’s Day Party held this past Sunday.  Residents, Families and Staff were encouraged to vote for King and Queen during the month of February.  The votes were tallied up and the residents were happy to see two great people enjoy a little bit of royalty treatment on a special day.  Congratulations King Don and Queen Esther!

Monday, February 15, 2016


It’s a celebration each and every month here at Juniper Village at the Shenango Inn!  Whether we are celebrating another year of life or welcoming a new resident into our family, we sure do know how to throw a party!  Join us for our next Birthday and Welcome Party on February 26th at 6:00 pm during our Happy Hour.  Enjoy music, drinks and lots of celebrating!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 2016 Events in Sharon, PA: Awaken Your Passion

In February we turn our Alive In All Seasons focus to art and invite you to awaken your passion with us. Leo Tolstoy defines the activity of art as “To evoke in oneself a feeling one has experienced, and... then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling.”

This month we will transmit our feelings using many different mediums to let other share in our experiences, feelings and passions. We will travel through art around the world and experience art as it is meant to be – inspirational and transformative. We will feel the cool breeze and smell the fragrant blossoms of Monet’s gardens in Giverny, France as we gaze upon In the Garden and the Water Lilies series. We will feel the angst of Vincent Van Gogh as we admire his passionate works such as Vase with Twelve Sunflowers and The Starry Night. We will also pour our passion into our own creations evoking memories of the past to share with the future.

Please join us on this journey as we visit local art museums and create our own art through weekly craft programs. Celebrate with us as we recognize Valentine’s Day with sweets for the sweet and Fat Tuesday foods and fun at our Mardi Gras party.

Our fabulous February 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn include our:

§  Fat Tuesday Family Luncheon for residents and family to have a wild Mardi Gras, featuring colorful beads and abundant delectable dishes on February 9th at noon.

§  Valentine’s Day Party as we invite our residents, families, and friends to share some sweet treats while making sweet memories on February 14th at 5:00 pm.

We look forward to sharing our February 2016 events in Sharon, PA at Juniper Village at The Shenango Inn with you as we Awaken Your Passion.